Truth in Between
The Dissidents
Grade 'A' Hypocrisy: Faculty Politics and Eroding University Standards

Grade 'A' Hypocrisy: Faculty Politics and Eroding University Standards

Season 4, Episode 15 | Institute for Liberal Values

This week Mike and Elizabeth discuss grade inflation and beliefs about teaching and learning, particularly among radical left college professors.  A recently published survey of state university professors confirmed previously documented trends of declining standards and grade inflation. Political orientation emerged as the most useful predictor of beliefs and attitudes about these trends.  We discuss the numerical findings, the open-ended responses, and authors' interpretation regarding diversity, equity, inclusion, merit, and the future of higher education.  

Institute for Liberal Values

Podcast Notes:

Horowitz, M., Haynor, A. L., & Kickham, K. (2023). “Undeserved” Grades or “Underserved” Students? Faculty Anxieties and Eroding Standards in the Corporate University. Higher Education Politics & Economics, 9(1), 43–84

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ILV Fellow Brian Russell Graham is running a course, The Knowledge Industry, on Jonathan Rauch’s book, The Constitution of Knowledge, with a guest appearance from Rauch. You can find the first three courses on YouTube. Subscribe to our YouTube page, and be informed when the final course is released.


We have exciting programs lined up for June, included a lab with Dr. Tabia Lee as she rolls out her new “liberal” social justice resources, and a panel discussion with Dr. Lee, Nicole Neilly of Parents Defending Education, and Jason Littlefield of EmpowerED Pathways discussing the need for “Empowered Education”. Subscribe to us on Circle to see our calendar, join our community and be part of the conversation.

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Truth in Between
The Dissidents
Welcome to The Dissidents Podcast, formerly the Counterweight Podcast, where we talk about how we can strive for a world in which freedom and reason are at the forefront of all human society.