Truth in Between
Truth in Between
Episode 28: The American Soviet Mentality | Izabella Tabarovsky

Episode 28: The American Soviet Mentality | Izabella Tabarovsky

In this week’s Hold my Drink + Counterweight podcast, we speak with Izabella Tabarovsky. Izabella is a Russian-Jewish immigrant whose article, The American Soviet Mentality (among many others), was paramount in framing our ideas on the current American experience and the writing of the Alternative 1619 Project Reading Guide. The collective demonization and polarization that has captured our country has frightening parallels to Izabella’s experiences behind the “Iron Curtain” in the former Soviet Union. Join us as we discuss black American consciousness, viewpoint diversity, and collective mentalities. All discussed with a chaser of civility, of course, and an herbal tea, bourbon, mimosa and watermelon vodka.

To read a recap of the conversation and additional thoughts, and to see what we are each reading, visit our post The American Soviet Mentality on the Hold my Drink website or here on Substack. You can also watch the conversation unfold on the Hold my Drink YouTube page.

*Hold my Drink Podcast is affiliated with Counterweight, part of Truth in Between and now included on our Substack publication. For earlier podcasts subscribe on Apple podcasts or catch up on Substack’s original Hold my Drink page.*